Ornaments in Stone: Monuments of Sultanate Ahmadabad

Ornaments in Stone: Monuments of Sultanate Ahmadabad

  • 17 Mar

    Islamic Aesthetics

    Various Scholars

Ornaments in Stone: Monuments of Sultanate Ahmadabad

Image:View of the prayer-hall of Bai Harir’s Mosque (c.1500). Photo: Samir Pathak

In wake of the publication of Sultanate Ahmadabad and Its Monuments, this talk centers on a group of monuments in Ahmadabad,commissioned by the Muzaffarid (Ahmad Shahi) sultans of Gujarat, which are emblematic of the city’s composite heritage. The talk will reflect on the innovative syncretic richness of these structures in light of the historical and cultural exigencies of the Gujarat sultanate which lasted independently until its annexation into the Mughal empire in 1573.

*This lecture will be conducted at our institute in Fort, Mumbai and will also be live streamed on Zoom Platform.

Duration -

March 17, 2023

Timing: Tea: 6:00 PM 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Registrations Closed

Pushkar Sohoni

Pushkar Sohoni

Pushkar Sohoni trained as a conservation architect before receiving his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania (2010) in the History of Art. He has extensively written about the material culture of the Deccan sultanates, including a monograph on the architecture of the Nizam Shahs of Ahmadnagar. He has also published on colonial market-halls of India, and architectural guides to various cities and regions. His wider interests include archaeology, numismatics, and socio-linguistics. He teaches in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune.

Riyaz Latif

Riyaz Latif

Dr. Riyaz Latif is an art historian of Islamic cultures, with particular concentration on premodern Maghrib (western North Africa). Currently Associate Professor at FLAME University, Pune, he has taught at Wellesley College and Vanderbilt University (USA). His academic writing has sought to address historical and visual processes of Islamic art; such concerns inform his book manuscript, titled Ornate Visions of Knowledge and Power: Formation of Marinid Madrasas in Maghrib al-Aqsa. He has also authored two collections of poems in Urdu, a book of European poetry in Urdu translation, as well as essays on literature.